Exterminator Ottawa

Exterminator Ottawa

Our company believes that everybody with a pest problem should have access to a competent exterminator at a fair price. Our exterminator service offers highly competitive prices and guarantees satisfaction, no matter what bug elected residence in your quarters.

Wasps are buzzing around and you suspect a close-by nest? Bed bugs are feasting on your family’s blood? Ants are eating your foundation away? Rodents are roaming freely inside your walls, carrying germs and disease?

Our experimented exterminators will identify and locate the problem, identify the nest if need be, and evict your visitors in a safe and effective manner, at an unbeatable price.

Call us immediately! If your home or business is infected and you do not act on it swiftly, you may lose great real estate value.

Technology and Safety

Our exterminators use the latest techniques in the extermination business. Steam and heat, combined with low amounts of insecticides, are applied with respect to Health Canada’s requirements. The right distribution of products, along with application techniques that result from great experience with all kinds of bugs and rodents, make Exterminator Ottawa your best choice.

Our technology is cutting-edge. We use the latest tools available on the market. Infrared inspection of the walls, for example, will reveal the location of nests. Once that is known, your little tenants do not stand a chance. New tools are constantly added to our arsenal to ensure that Exterminator Ottawa remains on the edge of the extermination business.

Humane Treatment of Animals

Exterminator Ottawa’s operations include the safe relocation of mammals. Because sometimes, the bugs that you want to get rid of are rather big! Squirrels, raccoons, even the smelly skunks with be released in their natural habitat. Before their release, Exterminator Ottawa makes sure that they are able to reintegrate the wild. When they are not, they are brought to a more lenient environment.

Exterminator Ottawa Exterminator Ottawa Exterminator Ottawa

Exterminator Ottawa operates in the entire region of Ottawa. If you have any questions concerning a possible infestation in your home or business, or if you need immediate assistance for an infestation problem:

Call us now: 613 863-4439

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